Henry's Uncle: A podcast about Addiction and Recovery

From alcohol and heroin addiction to homelessness to best selling author

Episode Summary

Today’s guest is Jordan Barnes, who suffered from alcoholism, drug addiction, and homelessness. Now, he is in long-term recovery with more than 10 years sober and an award-winning, best-selling author. Jordan wrote, One Hit Away: A Memoir of Recovery, as a way to help others struggling from substance use disorder. His other book, Bridgetown: A Harm Reduction Novel, focuses on the role of harm reduction programs as they relate to human rights, mental health, and social justice.

Episode Notes

Today’s guest is Jordan Barnes, who suffered from alcoholism, drug addiction, and homelessness. Now, he is in long-term recovery with more than 10 years sober and an award-winning, best-selling author. Jordan wrote, One Hit Away: A Memoir of Recovery, as a way to help others struggling from substance use disorder. His other book, Bridgetown: A Harm Reduction Novel, focuses on the role of harm reduction programs as they relate to human rights, mental health, and social justice.

For more information about Jordan Barnes, click here.

For more information about Jordan Barnes’ books, click here.

For more information about Hooper Detox Stabilization Center, click here.

For more information about Outside In, click here.

Follow Jen Cutting on YouTube, click here.

For more information about NARCAN, click here.

For more information about Sand Island Treatment Center, click here.

For more information about the war on drugs and Portugal model, click here.

For more information about Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), click here

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For more information about Henry's Uncle, please visit www.henrysuncle.org